Natural Resources Access Advocate

Sophie is a Montana native lady feline. Born in Kalispell and raised in Whitefish, she is 60 cat years old (don’t you ever mention her age to her!).

Sophie’s unique skills encompass being able to jump nearly five feet from standing while maintaining her girlish figure at 20 lbs of light fur, as well expressing her views about futures on the stock exchange when publicly interviewed.

During the COVID lockdown Sophie was instrumental in advising GMan on the New York Stock Exchange related investment decisions. Some of her most viral videos can be seen on GMan’s channel on Facebook. Inspired by her role model Warren Buffet, Sophie is a true financial advisor and, when not chasing mice and squirrels, she could be relied upon for an average 15% annual return on speculative investments’ advice.

While her political stance might differ from the other animal advocate on this campaign trail, she is confident to be absolutely always right about the issue at hand. This attitude is exactly the type of driving force needed to spearhead the change so much needed in our community!

**Disclaimer-Sophie’s emolument is remitted in Kibbles and salmon pate’ paid for by GMan for Whitefish campaign